HTC 8X Mobile Phone With Windows Phone 8

After the Nokia Lumia, HTC has finally released a smartphone-based advanced mobile operating system made by Microsoft, although not yet officially released, the producer from Taiwan is reportedly going to launch HTC 8X, the first mobile phone equipped with Windows Phone 8 (WP8).
HTC 8X Mobile Phone With Windows Phone 8

News came from Twitterland, while users with nicknames Football4DA, known as the famous XDA developers, a "leaked" information regarding the presence of HTC's new collection. HTC 8X emerged with a 4.3-inch HD display, dual-core processor with powerful 1.2 GHz and 1 GB RAM. Internal memory with a capacity of 16 GB, 7 GB of memory plus Cloud via SkyDrive is ready to accommodate the user data.

On the back side of HTC 8X, 8MP camera equipped with a sensor and a 28mm wide angle lens and aperture F2.0 ready to capture various moments around the relatively sharp results. The camera is the more powerful because capable of recording Full HD video quality, or 1080p. According to the information obtained, HTC is expected to slide in September 8x yesterday with HTC One X +

About kevin

~ I'm just someone new and do not know anything and want to learn to recognize what was nothing into something that is useful for myself and family and community
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