7 Amazing Photographs of All The Time

People have been taking photographs for over a hundred years now. That's a long time. Over the years many photos have become famous because they were so good. We're going to take a look at seven of the most amazing photographs of all time so that you can see some of the best work being done with cameras - digital or otherwise. 

7 Amazing Photographs of All The Time

Top 7 Amazing Photographs

Here are seven photographs that will blow your mind.
strange angle of the shot to the sky and the train tracks

This photo may not seem so amazing at first, but when you look at it for a while, you begin to really notice that all the elements are working together. From the strange angle of the shot to the sky and the train tracks, everything comes together to make this one of the best portraits in a long time - especially for something probably done on a whim.

another photo that might not seem very amazing

This is another photo that might not seem very amazing, but it's really cool because it was shot in outer space! There's something really amazing about the way the planet looks from up there and this shot manages to capture everything in a spherical form that really helps you gain some perspective.

the cockpit of an old propellor plane

This is a truly amazing photo taken from the cockpit of an old propellor plane. You don't see a lot of these planes these days, so this makes the shot even more spectacular. When you add in the fact they're flying close to the Golden Gate bridge, you can see why this photo made our list of the seven coolest and amazing photographs.

7 Amazing Photographs of All The Time

This is a really simple photo, but the colors are unmatched. Simply smoke rising up from a pile of leaves, the angle and the composition really make this photo special to us. Can you notice anything special in the background?

7 Amazing Photographs of All The Time

This is a simple thing, but it makes for a pretty amazing photograph.

7 Amazing Photographs of All The Time

This is a photo of a reflection from the Louvre in France. It's a simple photograph, but it's pretty amazing when you stop and think about it. The really cool thing is that this is an artsy photo covering an art gallery.

7 Amazing Photographs of All The Time

This is a really simple photograph of a child, but it's really magical in a lot of ways which makes it pretty amazing to us. When you look at all the colors and action in the photo then step back, you can see that a lot of thought went into capturing this particular image.

Written by: Heidi Horenson likes to buy Ebooks by Sainsburys as often as she can because they have such great prices on all the titles she likes to read. She's also a fan of designing infographics online in her spare time.

About kevin

~ I'm just someone new and do not know anything and want to learn to recognize what was nothing into something that is useful for myself and family and community
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